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AbortedScanException - Exception in net.adamcin.oakpal.core
Represents an error that causes a package scan to abort without notifying the ErrorListener.
AbortedScanException(Throwable, File) - Constructor for exception net.adamcin.oakpal.core.AbortedScanException
AbortedScanException(Throwable, URL) - Constructor for exception net.adamcin.oakpal.core.AbortedScanException
AbortedScanException(Throwable, Node) - Constructor for exception net.adamcin.oakpal.core.AbortedScanException
AbortedScanException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception net.adamcin.oakpal.core.AbortedScanException
ACE_PARAM_PATH - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.ExpectAces
ACE_PARAM_PRIVILEGES - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.ExpectAces
ACE_PARAM_TYPE - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.ExpectAces
AcHandling - Class in net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks
Limit package acHandling mode to prevent unforeseen changes to ACLs upon installation.
AcHandling() - Constructor for class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.AcHandling
AcHandling.ACHandlingLevelSet - Enum in net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks
Encapsulation of incrementally wider sets of forbidden acHandling modes as discrete levels.
AcHandling.JsonKeys - Interface in net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks
adaptToQ(Session) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.JsonCnd
Function to adapt a Session-linked NodeTypeDefinition as a qualified node type definition for writing to JSON.
addInstallableNode(PackageId, Node) - Method in class
addInstallableNode(PackageId, Node) - Method in class
AdhocOpear - Class in net.adamcin.oakpal.core.opear
Simpler opear implementation for CLI and other runtime-generated contexts.
AdhocOpear(URL, URL) - Constructor for class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.opear.AdhocOpear
adminInitAndInspect(OakMachine.InspectBody<E>) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakMachine
Run arbitrary admin session logic against a post-InitStage OakPAL session.
afterExtract(PackageId, Session) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.Echo
afterExtract(PackageId, Session) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ScriptProgressCheck
afterPackageIdRules() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.ExpectAces.JsonKeys
afterPackageIdRules() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.ExpectPaths.JsonKeys
afterScanPackage(PackageId, Session) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.Echo
afterScanPackage(PackageId, Session) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ScriptProgressCheck
aggregateNodeTypes(NamespaceMapping, List<NodeTypeSet>) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.JsonCnd
Aggregate a list of NodeTypeSets into a single NodeTypeSet.
allowedModes() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.AcHandling.JsonKeys
allowEmptyFilter() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.FilterSets.JsonKeys
allowRootFilter() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.FilterSets.JsonKeys
appliedRepoInitScripts(PackageId, List<String>, SlingInstallable, Session) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.Echo
appliedRepoInitScripts(PackageId, List<String>, SlingInstallable, Session) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ScriptProgressCheck
apply(Session, Reader) - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakMachine.RepoInitProcessor
asInitStage() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.Checklist
AUTOMATIC_MODULE_NAME - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ChecklistPlanner


BASIC_PLAN_URL - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakpalPlan
Preferred default plan when no custom classpath is specified, and no plan name is specified.
beforeExtract(PackageId, Session, PackageProperties, MetaInf, List<PackageId>) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.Echo
beforeExtract(PackageId, Session, PackageProperties, MetaInf, List<PackageId>) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ScriptProgressCheck
beforeSlingInstall(PackageId, SlingInstallable, Session) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.Echo
beforeSlingInstall(PackageId, SlingInstallable, Session) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ScriptProgressCheck
BINDING_CHECK_CONFIG - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ScriptProgressCheck
BINDING_SCRIPT_HELPER - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ScriptProgressCheck
bindParser(RepoInitParser) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.repoinit.DefaultRepoInitFactory
build() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.InitStage.Builder
Construct an InitStage from the InitStage.Builder state.
build() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.NamespaceMappingRequest.Builder
build() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakMachine.Builder
Construct a OakMachine from the OakMachine.Builder state.
build() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakpalPlan.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.InitStage.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.NamespaceMappingRequest.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakMachine.Builder
Builder(URL, String) - Constructor for class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakpalPlan.Builder
BUILTIN_MAPPINGS - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.JsonCnd
BUILTIN_NODETYPES - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.JsonCnd
BUILTIN_PRIVILEGES - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.JsonCnd
BUNDLE_SYMBOLICNAME - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ChecklistPlanner


Checklist - Class in net.adamcin.oakpal.core
It's a list of checks, along with initStage properties allowing jars to share CNDs, JCR namespaces and privileges, and forced roots.
Checklist.JsonKeys - Interface in net.adamcin.oakpal.core
Json keys for Checklist.
ChecklistPlanner - Class in net.adamcin.oakpal.core
Discoverer of checklists and computer of checkSpecs.
ChecklistPlanner(List<String>) - Constructor for class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ChecklistPlanner
checklists() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakpalPlan.JsonKeys
checkName() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.CoreConstants.CheckReportKeys
checkName() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ReportMapper.JsonKeys
CheckReport - Interface in net.adamcin.oakpal.core
Type for collected Violations from a particlular ProgressCheck.
checkReportKeys() - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.CoreConstants
checks() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.Checklist.JsonKeys
checks() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakpalPlan.JsonKeys
CheckSpec - Class in net.adamcin.oakpal.core
DTO for full-featured check spec.
CheckSpec() - Constructor for class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.CheckSpec
CheckSpec.ImmutableSpec - Class in net.adamcin.oakpal.core
This is an Immutable variant of CheckSpec for composition in Checklist.
CheckSpec.JsonKeys - Interface in net.adamcin.oakpal.core
Json keys for CheckSpec.
cndNames() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.Checklist.JsonKeys
cndUrls() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.Checklist.JsonKeys
compareTo(ForcedRoot) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ForcedRoot
compareTo(JcrNs) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.JcrNs
comparingJsonKeys(Function<T, String>) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.Checklist
compose(Function<T, I>, Function<I, R>) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.Util
1.3.0 use Fun.compose1(Function, Function) instead
composeTry(Function<R, M>, Supplier<M>, Util.TryFunction<T, R>, BiConsumer<T, Exception>) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.Util
1.3.0 use Fun.composeTry1(Function, Supplier, Fun.ThrowingFunction, BiConsumer)
CompositeStoreAlignment - Class in net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks
Report packages which affect paths in more than one composite node store.
CompositeStoreAlignment() - Constructor for class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.CompositeStoreAlignment
CompositeStoreAlignment.JsonKeys - Interface in net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks
config() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.CheckSpec.JsonKeys
CONFIG_AFTER_PACKAGE_ID_RULES - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.ExpectAces
CONFIG_AFTER_PACKAGE_ID_RULES - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.ExpectPaths
CONFIG_ALLOW_EMPTY_FILTER - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.FilterSets
CONFIG_ALLOW_ROOT_FILTER - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.FilterSets
CONFIG_ALLOWED_MODES - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.AcHandling
CONFIG_DENY_ALL - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.Subpackages
CONFIG_DENY_ALL_DELETES - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.Paths
CONFIG_DENY_IF_ABSENT - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.JcrPropertyConstraints
CONFIG_DENY_IF_MULTIVALUED - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.JcrPropertyConstraints
CONFIG_DENY_IF_PRESENT - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.JcrPropertyConstraints
CONFIG_DENY_NODE_TYPES - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.JcrProperties
CONFIG_EXPECTED_ACES - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.ExpectAces
CONFIG_EXPECTED_PATHS - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.ExpectPaths
CONFIG_IMPORT_MODE_SEVERITY - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.FilterSets
CONFIG_LEVEL_SET - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.AcHandling
CONFIG_MOUNTS - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.CompositeStoreAlignment
CONFIG_NAME - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.JcrPropertyConstraints
CONFIG_NOT_EXPECTED_ACES - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.ExpectAces
CONFIG_NOT_EXPECTED_PATHS - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.ExpectPaths
CONFIG_PRINCIPAL - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.ExpectAces
CONFIG_PRINCIPALS - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.ExpectAces
CONFIG_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.JcrProperties
CONFIG_REPORT_ALL_OVERLAPS - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.Overlaps
CONFIG_REQUIRE_TYPE - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.JcrPropertyConstraints
CONFIG_RULES - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.Paths
CONFIG_RULES - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.Subpackages
CONFIG_SCOPE_NODE_TYPES - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.JcrProperties
CONFIG_SCOPE_PACKAGE_IDS - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.CompositeStoreAlignment
CONFIG_SCOPE_PATHS - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.JcrProperties
CONFIG_SCRIPTS - Static variable in class
CONFIG_SEVERITY - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.CompositeStoreAlignment
CONFIG_SEVERITY - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.ExpectPaths
CONFIG_SEVERITY - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.JcrPropertyConstraints
CONFIG_SEVERITY - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.Paths
CONFIG_VALUE_RULES - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.JcrPropertyConstraints
constructChecklists(Map<URL, List<JsonObject>>) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ChecklistPlanner
copyOf(CheckSpec) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.CheckSpec
CoreConstants - Class in net.adamcin.oakpal.core
Hosts constants for interface types as static singleton getter methods defined by associated interfaces.
CoreConstants.CheckReportKeys - Interface in net.adamcin.oakpal.core
Json keys for CheckReport.
create(String, String) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.JcrNs
Create a new JcrNs with both values set.
createBlob(InputStream) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.FileBlobMemoryNodeStore
createInlineScriptCheckFactory(String, String) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ScriptProgressCheck
createInstallable(PackageId, String) - Method in class
createInstallable(PackageId, String) - Method in class
createInstallable(PackageId, String) - Method in interface
Create a SlingInstallable from these parameters.
createScriptCheckFactory(URL) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ScriptProgressCheck
createScriptCheckFactory(String, URL) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ScriptProgressCheck
createScriptCheckFactory(ScriptEngine, URL) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ScriptProgressCheck
customize(Jcr) - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakMachine.JcrCustomizer


debugFilter(Logger, String) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.Util
Logger function to inject into a stream by way of filter() method.
DEFAULT - Static variable in enum net.adamcin.oakpal.core.InstallHookPolicy
DEFAULT_IMPORT_MODE_SEVERITY - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.FilterSets
DEFAULT_PLAN_NAME - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakpalPlan
When otherwise unspecified, the default name for a plan should be plan.json.
DEFAULT_SCRIPT_ENGINE_EXTENSION - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ScriptProgressCheck
DEFAULT_SEVERITY - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.JcrPropertyConstraints
DEFAULT_SEVERITY - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.Paths
DefaultErrorListener - Class in net.adamcin.oakpal.core
Default implementation which reports all exceptions as violations.
DefaultErrorListener() - Constructor for class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.DefaultErrorListener
DefaultRepoInitFactory - Class in net.adamcin.oakpal.core.repoinit
Default provider for RepoInitProcessors.
DefaultSlingSimulator - Class in
Noop implementation of a SlingSimulator.
DefaultSlingSimulator() - Constructor for class
deletedPath(PackageId, String, Session) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.Echo
deletedPath(PackageId, String, Session) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ScriptProgressCheck
DELIM_LIST - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.ExpectAces
DELIM_PARAM - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.ExpectAces
DELIM_VALUE - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.ExpectAces
denyAll() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.Subpackages.JsonKeys
denyAllDeletes() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.Paths.JsonKeys
denyIfAbsent() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.JcrPropertyConstraints.JsonKeys
denyIfMultivalued() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.JcrPropertyConstraints.JsonKeys
denyIfPresent() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.JcrPropertyConstraints.JsonKeys
denyNodeTypes() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.JcrProperties.JsonKeys
dequeueInstallable() - Method in class
dequeueInstallable() - Method in class
dequeueInstallable() - Method in interface
Get the next installable path and remove from the queue.
discoverChecklists() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ChecklistPlanner
discoverChecklists(ClassLoader) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ChecklistPlanner
discoverChecklists(List<File>) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ChecklistPlanner


Echo - Class in net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks
Simple verbose package check that logs all scan events to standard out.
Echo() - Constructor for class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.Echo
echo(String, Object...) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.Echo
Override this method to use a logger instead of System.out, for example.
editJson(JsonObjectBuilder) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.CheckSpec
Override to ensure subtype details are retained in JSON.
EmbeddedPackageInstallableParams - Class in
EmbeddedPackageInstallableParams(PackageId) - Constructor for class
EMPTY_PLAN_URL - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakpalPlan
Preferred default plan when a custom classpath is specified without specifying a plan name.
enablePreInstallHooks() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakpalPlan.JsonKeys
equals(Object) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.CheckSpec
equals(Object) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ForcedRoot
equals(Object) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.JcrNs
equals(Object) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.SimpleReport
ErrorListener - Interface in net.adamcin.oakpal.core
A single error handler is used during an OakPAL scan.
escapeManifestHeaderValue(String...) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.Util
escapeManifestHeaderValues(List<String>) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.Util
ExpectAces - Class in net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks
ExpectAces: assert the existence or non-existence of specific access control entries after extracting a package.
ExpectAces() - Constructor for class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.ExpectAces
ExpectAces.JsonKeys - Interface in net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks
expectedAces() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.ExpectAces.JsonKeys
expectedPaths() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.ExpectPaths.JsonKeys
ExpectPaths - Class in net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks
ExpectPaths: assert the existence or non-existence of specific repository item paths after extracting a package.
ExpectPaths() - Constructor for class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.ExpectPaths
ExpectPaths.JsonKeys - Interface in net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks


FileBlobMemoryNodeStore - Class in net.adamcin.oakpal.core
A MemoryNodeStore that offloads binaries to a FileBlobStore.
FileBlobMemoryNodeStore(String) - Constructor for class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.FileBlobMemoryNodeStore
FILENAME_INLINE_SCRIPT - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ScriptProgressCheck
FilterSets - Class in net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks
Sanity check for WorkspaceFilter.
FilterSets() - Constructor for class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.FilterSets
FilterSets.JsonKeys - Interface in net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks
findNodeTypeDefinitions() - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.SlingNodetypesScanner
Find all node type definition classpath paths by searching all MANIFEST.MF files in the classpath and reading the paths from the "Sling-Nodetypes" entry.
findNodeTypeDefinitions(ClassLoader) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.SlingNodetypesScanner
Find all node type definition classpath paths by searching all MANIFEST.MF files in the classpath and reading the paths from the "Sling-Nodetypes" entry.
findNodeTypeDefinitions(List<File>) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.SlingNodetypesScanner
Find all node type definition classpath paths by searching all MANIFEST.MF files in the classpath and reading the paths from the "Sling-Nodetypes" entry.
finishedScan() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.Echo
finishedScan() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ScriptProgressCheck
ForcedRoot - Class in net.adamcin.oakpal.core
Encapsulation of details necessary to force creation of a particular root path.
ForcedRoot() - Constructor for class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ForcedRoot
ForcedRoot.JsonKeys - Interface in net.adamcin.oakpal.core
Json keys for ForcedRoot.
forcedRoots() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.Checklist.JsonKeys
forcedRoots() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakpalPlan.JsonKeys
forName(String) - Static method in enum net.adamcin.oakpal.core.InstallHookPolicy
fromDirectory(File) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.opear.OpearFile
fromJar(JarFile, File) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.opear.OpearFile
fromJson(String, URL, JsonObject) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.Checklist
Create a Checklist from a JsonObject.
fromJson(Supplier<ResourceBundle>) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.JcrPropertyConstraints
fromJson(JsonObject) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.CheckSpec
Build a CheckSpec from a Checklist json snippet.
fromJson(JsonObject) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ForcedRoot
Map a JSON object to a ForcedRoot.
fromJson(JsonObject) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.JcrNs
Map a JSON object to a JcrNs.
fromJson(JsonObject) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakpalPlan
Constructs an OakpalPlan without a base url or a name.
fromJson(URL) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakpalPlan
fromJson(JsonObject) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.SimpleReport
fromJsonArray(Supplier<ResourceBundle>, JsonArray) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.JcrPropertyConstraints
fromPlanFile(File, File) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.opear.AdhocOpear
fromSlingInstallable(SlingInstallable) - Static method in class


generateReport(ProgressCheck) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.SimpleReport
generateReport(ErrorListener) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.SimpleReport
getAllowedModes() - Method in enum net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.AcHandling.ACHandlingLevelSet
getBase() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakpalPlan
getChecklists() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakpalPlan
getCheckName() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.CheckReport
The serialized display name of the package check that created the report.
getCheckName() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.Echo
getCheckName() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ScriptProgressCheck
getCheckName() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.SimpleReport
getChecks() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.Checklist
getChecks() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakpalPlan
getCndUrls() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.Checklist
getConfig() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.CheckSpec
If impl references a script check or a ProgressCheckFactory, or if the check loaded from a checklist by name is a script check or a ProgressCheckFactory, this is used to configure the check.
getCurrentPackageFile() - Method in exception net.adamcin.oakpal.core.AbortedScanException
getCurrentPackageNode() - Method in exception net.adamcin.oakpal.core.AbortedScanException
getCurrentPackageUrl() - Method in exception net.adamcin.oakpal.core.AbortedScanException
getDefaultPlan() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.opear.AdhocOpear
getDefaultPlan() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.opear.Opear
Get the default plan url specfied by the opear manifest, which may be OakpalPlan.EMPTY_PLAN_URL if no other plan is exported.
getDefaultPlan() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.opear.OpearFile
getEffectiveCheckSpecs(List<CheckSpec>) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ChecklistPlanner
Compute the checklist plan for progress checks, given a list of override specs to apply.
getEmbeddedId() - Method in class
getEngineName() - Method in exception net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ScriptProgressCheck.UnregisteredScriptEngineNameException
getErrorListener() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakMachine
getFactoryPid() - Method in class
getFailedPackageMessage() - Method in exception net.adamcin.oakpal.core.AbortedScanException
getForcedRoots() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.Checklist
getForcedRoots() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakpalPlan
getImpl() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.CheckSpec
The direct classpath lookup name for a particular check.
getInitStages() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ChecklistPlanner
getInlineEngine() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.CheckSpec
Specifies a ScriptEngineFactory name, or null to use the default of "javascript", in conjunction with a non-null value for CheckSpec.getInlineScript().
getInlineScript() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.CheckSpec
As an alternative to CheckSpec.getImpl(), a CheckSpec may specify script check source code inline, i.e., as a javascript string.
getInstallableType() - Method in class
getInstallableType() - Method in class
getInstallableType() - Method in interface
Get the constructed installable type.
getInstallHookPolicy() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakpalPlan
getJcrNamespaces() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.Checklist
getJcrNamespaces() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakpalPlan
getJcrNodetypes() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.Checklist
getJcrNodetypes() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakpalPlan
getJcrPrivilegeNames() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.Checklist
getJcrPrivileges() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.Checklist
getJcrPrivileges() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakpalPlan
getManifestHeaderValues(Manifest, String) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.Util
getMessage() - Method in exception net.adamcin.oakpal.core.AbortedScanException
getMixinTypes() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ForcedRoot
getModuleName() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.Checklist
getName() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.Checklist
getName() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.JcrPropertyConstraints
getName() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.CheckSpec
The display name for the check.
getName() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakpalPlan
getNamespacePrefixes() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ForcedRoot
List the namespace prefixes referenced by elements of this forcedRoot.
getNodeStore() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.FileBlobMemoryNodeStore
getOriginalJson() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakpalPlan
getParseError() - Method in class
getPath() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ForcedRoot
getPlanClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.opear.AdhocOpear
getPlanClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.opear.Opear
Get a URL classloader constructed for this opear using the provided classloader as the parent.
getPlanClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.opear.OpearFile
getPrefix() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.JcrNs
The namespace prefix.
getPreInstallFiles() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakMachine
1.3.1 pre-install packages are now handled as URIs. use OakMachine.getPreInstallUrls().
getPreInstallUrls() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakMachine
Return the urls for preinstall packages.
getPreInstallUrls() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakpalPlan
getPrimaryType() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ForcedRoot
getPrivilegesFromJson(JsonValue, NamespaceMapping) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.JsonCnd
Read a serialized JSON privileges object (or array of privilege names) into a list of qualified privilege definitions.
getProgressChecks() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakMachine
getProperties() - Method in class
getQTypesFromJson(JsonObject, NamespaceMapping) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.JsonCnd
Read a serialized JSON CND into a list of qualified node type definitions.
getRepoInits() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.Checklist
getRepoInits() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakpalPlan
getRepoInitUrls() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakpalPlan
getReportedViolations() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.Echo
getReportedViolations() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.DefaultErrorListener
getReportedViolations() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ScriptProgressCheck
getRequireType() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.JcrPropertyConstraints
getResourceBundle() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.DefaultErrorListener
Used by DefaultErrorListener.getString(String) to retrieve localized messages.
getResourceBundleBaseName() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ScriptProgressCheck
getRunModes() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakpalPlan
getScripts() - Method in class
getServicePid() - Method in class
getSeverity() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.JcrPropertyConstraints
getSlingInstallable() - Method in class
getSpecificPlan(String) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.opear.AdhocOpear
getSpecificPlan(String) - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.opear.Opear
When the opear exports multiple plans, use this method to request a specific plan other than the default.
getSpecificPlan(String) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.opear.OpearFile
getString(String) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.DefaultErrorListener
Lookup a localized string from the resource bundle.
getString(String) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ScriptProgressCheck.ScriptHelper
getTemplate() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.CheckSpec
If specified, inherit the CheckSpec.getConfig() and either the CheckSpec.getImpl() or CheckSpec.getInlineScript() and CheckSpec.getInlineEngine() of another CheckSpec, following the same rules of name matching that apply to CheckSpec.getName().
getUri() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.JcrNs
The namespace URI.
getValueRules() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.JcrPropertyConstraints
getViolations() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.CheckReport
The reported violations.
getViolations(Severity) - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.CheckReport
The list of violations filtered to ignore severities less than atLeastAsSevere.
getViolations() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.SimpleReport


hashCode() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.CheckSpec
hashCode() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ForcedRoot
hashCode() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.JcrNs
hashCode() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.SimpleReport
hasPath() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ForcedRoot
Return true if path is not null.


identifyEmbeddedPackage(PackageId, PackageId, EmbeddedPackageInstallable) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.Echo
identifyEmbeddedPackage(PackageId, PackageId, EmbeddedPackageInstallable) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ScriptProgressCheck
identifyPackage(PackageId, File) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.Echo
identifyPackage(PackageId, File) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ScriptProgressCheck
identifySubpackage(PackageId, PackageId) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.Echo
identifySubpackage(PackageId, PackageId) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ScriptProgressCheck
immutableCopyOf(CheckSpec) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.CheckSpec
impl() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.CheckSpec.JsonKeys
importedPath(PackageId, String, Node) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.Echo
importedPath(PackageId, String, Node, PathAction) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.Echo
importedPath(PackageId, String, Node, PathAction) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ScriptProgressCheck
importModeSeverity() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.FilterSets.JsonKeys
inherit(CheckSpec) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.CheckSpec
Apply this spec's attributes to that as an overlay to that spec's attributes.
inherits(CheckSpec) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.CheckSpec
Return true if this spec identifies that spec by name in this spec's template attribute.
initAndInspect(OakMachine.InspectBody<E>) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakMachine
Run arbitrary read-only session logic against a post-InitStage OakPAL session.
InitStage - Class in net.adamcin.oakpal.core
Encapsulation of JCR initialization parameters for multistage inits.
InitStage.Builder - Class in net.adamcin.oakpal.core
Use the builder to construct the InitStage.
inlineEngine() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.CheckSpec.JsonKeys
inlineScript() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.CheckSpec.JsonKeys
InstallHookPolicy - Enum in net.adamcin.oakpal.core
Enumeration of policies for dealing with InstallHook processing during a scan.
installHookPolicy() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakpalPlan.JsonKeys
instance() - Static method in class
instance() - Static method in class
INVOKE_GET_CHECK_NAME - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ScriptProgressCheck
INVOKE_ON_AFTER_EXTRACT - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ScriptProgressCheck
INVOKE_ON_AFTER_SCAN_PACKAGE - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ScriptProgressCheck
INVOKE_ON_APPLIED_REPO_INIT_SCRIPTS - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ScriptProgressCheck
INVOKE_ON_BEFORE_EXTRACT - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ScriptProgressCheck
INVOKE_ON_BEFORE_SLING_INSTALL - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ScriptProgressCheck
INVOKE_ON_DELETED_PATH - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ScriptProgressCheck
INVOKE_ON_FINISHED_SCAN - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ScriptProgressCheck
INVOKE_ON_IDENTIFY_EMBEDDED_PACKAGE - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ScriptProgressCheck
INVOKE_ON_IDENTIFY_PACKAGE - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ScriptProgressCheck
INVOKE_ON_IDENTIFY_SUBPACKAGE - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ScriptProgressCheck
INVOKE_ON_IMPORTED_PATH - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ScriptProgressCheck
INVOKE_ON_READ_MANIFEST - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ScriptProgressCheck
INVOKE_ON_SIMULATE_SLING - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ScriptProgressCheck
INVOKE_ON_STARTED_SCAN - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ScriptProgressCheck
isAbstract() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.CheckSpec
An abstract check spec has neither a non-empty CheckSpec.getImpl() nor a non-null CheckSpec.getInlineScript(), and is therefore not invokable on its own.
isDenyIfAbsent() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.JcrPropertyConstraints
isDenyIfMultivalued() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.JcrPropertyConstraints
isDenyIfPresent() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.JcrPropertyConstraints
isEnablePreInstallHooks() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakpalPlan
isInheritedBy(CheckSpec) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.CheckSpec
isOverriddenBy(CheckSpec) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.CheckSpec
isSkip() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.CheckSpec
Whether to skip this check during a scan.


jcrNamespaces() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.Checklist.JsonKeys
jcrNamespaces() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakpalPlan.JsonKeys
jcrNodetypes() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.Checklist.JsonKeys
jcrNodetypes() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakpalPlan.JsonKeys
JcrNs - Class in net.adamcin.oakpal.core
Config DTO for JCR Namespace Prefix to URI Mappings.
JcrNs() - Constructor for class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.JcrNs
JcrNs.JsonKeys - Interface in net.adamcin.oakpal.core
Json keys for JcrNs.
jcrPrivileges() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.Checklist.JsonKeys
jcrPrivileges() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakpalPlan.JsonKeys
JcrProperties - Class in net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks
A complex check for enforcing characteristics of JCR Properties of imported nodes and their descendants within the scope of the workspace filter.
JcrProperties() - Constructor for class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.JcrProperties
JcrProperties.JsonKeys - Interface in net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks
JcrPropertyConstraints - Class in net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks
Encapsulation of constraints on a JCR property for the JcrProperties check.
JcrPropertyConstraints(String, boolean, boolean, boolean, String, List<Rule>, Severity, Supplier<ResourceBundle>) - Constructor for class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.JcrPropertyConstraints
JcrPropertyConstraints.JsonKeys - Interface in net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks
JsonCnd - Class in net.adamcin.oakpal.core
Methods and types used to encode/decode QNodeTypeDefinitions as JSON for use in checklists.


keys() - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.Checklist
keys() - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.AcHandling
keys() - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.CompositeStoreAlignment
keys() - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.ExpectAces
keys() - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.ExpectPaths
keys() - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.FilterSets
keys() - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.JcrProperties
keys() - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.JcrPropertyConstraints
keys() - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.Overlaps
keys() - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.Paths
keys() - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.SlingJcrInstaller
keys() - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.Subpackages
keys() - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.CheckSpec
keys() - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ForcedRoot
keys() - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.JcrNs
keys() - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakpalPlan
keys() - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ReportMapper


levelSet() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.AcHandling.JsonKeys
ListenerReadOnlyException - Exception in net.adamcin.oakpal.core
Common exception type for attempted repository writes by ScanListeners.
ListenerReadOnlyException() - Constructor for exception net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ListenerReadOnlyException
LN_UNDECLARED - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakMachine
loadFromCheckSpecs(List<CheckSpec>) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.Locator
Load a list of ProgressChecks from from a list of CheckSpecs using the default classloader.
loadFromCheckSpecs(List<CheckSpec>, ClassLoader) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.Locator
Load a list of ProgressChecks from from a list of CheckSpecs using the provided classloader.
loadProgressCheck(String) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.Locator
Attempt to load a ProgressCheck from the class path.
loadProgressCheck(String, JsonObject) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.Locator
Attempt to load a ProgressCheck from a particular class loader.
loadProgressCheck(String, JsonObject, ClassLoader) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.Locator
Attempt to load a ProgressCheck from a particular class loader.
Locator - Class in net.adamcin.oakpal.core
Unified class path locator for PackageLister classes and scripts.


majorViolation(String, PackageId...) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ScriptProgressCheck.ScriptHelper
mapManifestHeaderResources(String, ClassLoader) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.Util
mapManifestHeaderResources(String, List<File>) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.Util
mapManifestHeaderResources(String, URL) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.Util
maxDepth() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.SlingJcrInstaller.JsonKeys
maxDepth represents the depth of a watched folder path relative to the repository root.
MF_BUNDLE_SYMBOLICNAME - Static variable in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.opear.Opear
MF_BUNDLE_VERSION - Static variable in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.opear.Opear
MF_CLASS_PATH - Static variable in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.opear.Opear
MF_OAKPAL_PLAN - Static variable in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.opear.Opear
MF_OAKPAL_VERSION - Static variable in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.opear.Opear
minorViolation(String, PackageId...) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ScriptProgressCheck.ScriptHelper
mixinTypes() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ForcedRoot.JsonKeys
mounts() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.CompositeStoreAlignment.JsonKeys


name() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.Checklist.JsonKeys
name() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.JcrPropertyConstraints.JsonKeys
name() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.CheckSpec.JsonKeys
NAME_BUNDLE_SYMBOLICNAME - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.opear.OpearFile
NAME_BUNDLE_VERSION - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.opear.OpearFile
NAME_CLASS_PATH - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.opear.OpearFile
NAME_OAKPAL_PLAN - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.opear.OpearFile
NAME_OAKPAL_VERSION - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.opear.OpearFile
namedBy(QNodeTypeDefinition) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.JsonCnd
Stream the qualified names referenced in a node type definition in order to determine which namespaces must be represented in a serialized mapping.
namedBy(PrivilegeDefinition) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.JsonCnd
Stream the qualified names referenced in a privilege definition in order to determine which namespaces must be represented in a serialized mapping.
NamespaceMappingRequest - Class in net.adamcin.oakpal.core
Given all the JCR namespace gymnastics that have to be performed for JsonCnd and webster, dealing with builtins and aggregation and references by prefix or uri, this class was created to encapsulate the resolution logic to map NamespaceMapping objects to lists of JcrNs objects in a standard way.
NamespaceMappingRequest.Builder - Class in net.adamcin.oakpal.core
Build a NamespaceMappingRequest by specifying which namespace mappings (by prefix or by uri) should be retained.
net.adamcin.oakpal.core - package net.adamcin.oakpal.core
net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks - package net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks
net.adamcin.oakpal.core.opear - package net.adamcin.oakpal.core.opear
net.adamcin.oakpal.core.repoinit - package net.adamcin.oakpal.core.repoinit - package
newDefaultRepoInitProcessor(ClassLoader) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.repoinit.DefaultRepoInitFactory
newFactoryInstance(ClassLoader) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.repoinit.DefaultRepoInitFactory
newInstance(JsonObject) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.AcHandling
newInstance(JsonObject) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.CompositeStoreAlignment
newInstance(JsonObject) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.ExpectAces
newInstance(JsonObject) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.ExpectPaths
newInstance(JsonObject) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.FilterSets
newInstance(JsonObject) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.JcrProperties
newInstance(JsonObject) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.Overlaps
newInstance(JsonObject) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.Paths
newInstance(JsonObject) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.SlingJcrInstaller
newInstance(JsonObject) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.Subpackages
newOakpalPackagingService() - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakMachine
newOakpalPackagingService(ClassLoader) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakMachine
NoopSlingSimulator - Class in
Noop implementation of a SlingSimulator.
NoopSlingSimulator() - Constructor for class
notAbstract() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.CheckSpec
notExpectedAces() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.ExpectAces.JsonKeys
notExpectedPaths() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.ExpectPaths.JsonKeys
notSkipped() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.CheckSpec
The inverse of CheckSpec.isSkip().
NS_PREFIX_OAKPAL - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakMachine
NS_URI_OAKPAL - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakMachine
NT_UNDECLARED - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakMachine


OakMachine - Class in net.adamcin.oakpal.core
Entry point for OakPAL Acceptance Library.
OakMachine.Builder - Class in net.adamcin.oakpal.core
Use the builder to construct the OakMachine.
OakMachine.InspectBody<E extends Throwable> - Interface in net.adamcin.oakpal.core
Functional interface for OakMachine.initAndInspect(InspectBody).
OakMachine.JcrCustomizer - Interface in net.adamcin.oakpal.core
OakMachine.RepoInitProcessor - Interface in net.adamcin.oakpal.core
Functional interface for a repoinit processor that unifies the RepoInitParser and JcrRepoInitOpsProcessor signatures.
OakMachine.SubpackageSilencer - Interface in net.adamcin.oakpal.core
Functional interface for Builder.withSubpackageSilencer(SubpackageSilencer).
OAKPAL_CHECKLIST - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ChecklistPlanner
OAKPAL_MODULENAME - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ChecklistPlanner
OakpalPlan - Class in net.adamcin.oakpal.core
A plan is a reproducible execution plan, similar in design to a Checklist, but with the following differences: 1.
OakpalPlan.Builder - Class in net.adamcin.oakpal.core
OakpalPlan.JsonKeys - Interface in net.adamcin.oakpal.core
onForcedRootCreationError(Throwable, ForcedRoot) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.DefaultErrorListener
onForcedRootCreationError(Throwable, ForcedRoot) - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ErrorListener
Called for each error thrown during creation of a forced JCR root.
onImporterException(Exception, PackageId, String) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.DefaultErrorListener
onImporterException(Exception, PackageId, String) - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ErrorListener
Called when the package FileVault importer encounters an error such as an XML syntax exception.
onInstallHookError(Throwable, PackageId) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.DefaultErrorListener
onInstallHookError(Throwable, PackageId) - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ErrorListener
Called when an exception is thrown when attempting to register install hooks for a particular package.
onJcrNamespaceRegistrationError(Throwable, String, String) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.DefaultErrorListener
onJcrNamespaceRegistrationError(Throwable, String, String) - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ErrorListener
Called for each unresolved error thrown during JCR namespace prefix registration.
onJcrPrivilegeRegistrationError(Throwable, String) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.DefaultErrorListener
onJcrPrivilegeRegistrationError(Throwable, String) - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ErrorListener
Called for each unresolved error thrown during JCR privilege registration.
onListenerException(Exception, ProgressCheck, PackageId) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.DefaultErrorListener
onListenerException(Exception, ProgressCheck, PackageId) - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ErrorListener
Called when a ProgressCheck throws an exception.
onListenerPathException(Exception, ProgressCheck, PackageId, String) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.DefaultErrorListener
onListenerPathException(Exception, ProgressCheck, PackageId, String) - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ErrorListener
Called when a ProgressCheck throws an exception when handling an imported path.
onNodeTypeRegistrationError(Throwable, URL) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.DefaultErrorListener
onNodeTypeRegistrationError(Throwable, URL) - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ErrorListener
Called for each unresolved error thrown during node type definition auto-installation.
onProhibitedInstallHookRegistration(PackageId) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.DefaultErrorListener
onProhibitedInstallHookRegistration(PackageId) - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ErrorListener
Called after any install hooks have been registered for a particular package during a scan which has specified OakpalPlan.getInstallHookPolicy() value of InstallHookPolicy.PROHIBIT.
onRepoInitInlineError(Throwable, List<String>) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.DefaultErrorListener
onRepoInitInlineError(Throwable, List<String>) - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ErrorListener
Called for an IOException or RepoInitParsingException when parsing a list of repoinit scripts during InitStage.initSession().
onRepoInitUrlError(Throwable, URL) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.DefaultErrorListener
onRepoInitUrlError(Throwable, URL) - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ErrorListener
Called for an IOException or RepoInitParsingException when parsing a repoinit url during InitStage.initSession().
onSlingCreateInstallableError(Exception, Class<? extends SlingInstallable>, PackageId, String) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.DefaultErrorListener
onSlingCreateInstallableError(Exception, Class<? extends SlingInstallable>, PackageId, String) - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ErrorListener
Called for errors occurring during an attempt to create an installable from a node submitted to a SlingSimulator, such as parsing errors for OSGi Config files.
onSlingEmbeddedPackageError(Throwable, EmbeddedPackageInstallable) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.DefaultErrorListener
onSlingEmbeddedPackageError(Throwable, EmbeddedPackageInstallable) - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ErrorListener
Called for an IOException, PackageException, or RepositoryException when installing an embedded package submitted to a SlingSimulator.
onSlingRepoInitScriptsError(Throwable, List<String>, String, SlingInstallable) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.DefaultErrorListener
onSlingRepoInitScriptsError(Throwable, List<String>, String, SlingInstallable) - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ErrorListener
Called for an IOException or RepoInitParsingException when parsing an installable repoinit script submitted to a SlingSimulator.
onSubpackageException(Exception, PackageId) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.DefaultErrorListener
onSubpackageException(Exception, PackageId) - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ErrorListener
Called when an exception was thrown when attempting to open or extract a package.
Opear - Interface in net.adamcin.oakpal.core.opear
OPEAR stands for "OakPal Encapsulated ARchive".
OpearFile - Class in net.adamcin.oakpal.core.opear
The default implemenation of Opear.
open() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ReportMapper.ReaderSupplier
open() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ReportMapper.WriterSupplier
open(SlingOpenable<ResourceType>) - Method in class
open(SlingOpenable<ResourceType>) - Method in class
open(SlingOpenable<ResourceType>) - Method in interface
Return a supplier that tries to open an installable resource from the specified installable path.
openEmbeddedPackage(EmbeddedPackageInstallable) - Method in class
optFunc(Function<T, R>) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.Util
1.3.0 use Fun.compose(Optional::ofNullable, inputFunc)
orderedKeys() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.Checklist.JsonKeys
OsgiConfigInstallableParams - Class in
OsgiConfigInstallableParams(Map<String, Object>, String, String, Exception) - Constructor for class
Overlaps - Class in net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks
The overlaps check keeps track of installed package workspace filters, and checks every affected path going forward against previous workspace filters for overlap, using WorkspaceFilter.contains(String).
Overlaps() - Constructor for class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.Overlaps
Overlaps.JsonKeys - Interface in net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks
overlay(CheckSpec) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.CheckSpec
Apply this spec's attributes as an overlay to that spec's attributes.
overrides(CheckSpec) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.CheckSpec
Returns true if this overrides that.


parseChecklists(URL) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ChecklistPlanner
parseChecklists(ClassLoader) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ChecklistPlanner
parseChecklists(List<File>) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ChecklistPlanner
path() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.ExpectAces.JsonKeys
path() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ForcedRoot.JsonKeys
Paths - Class in net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks
Deny path imports/deletes by regular expression.
Paths() - Constructor for class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.Paths
Paths.JsonKeys - Interface in net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks
prefix() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.JcrNs.JsonKeys
preInstallUrls() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakpalPlan.JsonKeys
primaryType() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ForcedRoot.JsonKeys
principal() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.ExpectAces.JsonKeys
principals() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.ExpectAces.JsonKeys
privileges() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.ExpectAces.JsonKeys
privilegesToJson(List<PrivilegeDefinition>, NamespaceMapping) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.JsonCnd
Write a list of privilege definitions to a JSON privileges object.
properties() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.JcrProperties.JsonKeys
provideChecklists(List<Checklist>) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ChecklistPlanner


readManifest(PackageId, Manifest) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.Echo
readManifest(PackageId, Manifest) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ScriptProgressCheck
readNodeTypes(NamespaceMapping, List<URL>) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.JsonCnd
Read node types from a list of CND urls.
readReports(ReportMapper.ReaderSupplier) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ReportMapper
Opens a reader, reads a json object, closes the reader, and returns a list of reports.
readReportsFromFile(File) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ReportMapper
Read reports from a file and return a list of check reports.
REPO_INIT_FACTORY_PID - Static variable in class
repoInits() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.Checklist.JsonKeys
repoInits() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakpalPlan.JsonKeys
repoInitUrls() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakpalPlan.JsonKeys
reportAllOverlaps() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.Overlaps.JsonKeys
ReportMapper - Class in net.adamcin.oakpal.core
Serialize violations to/from json.
ReportMapper.JsonKeys - Interface in net.adamcin.oakpal.core
ReportMapper.ReaderSupplier - Interface in net.adamcin.oakpal.core
Functional interface that indicates that the consuming method will open AND close the stream for reading.
ReportMapper.WriterSupplier - Interface in net.adamcin.oakpal.core
Functional interface that indicates that the consuming method will open AND close the stream for writing.
reports() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ReportMapper.JsonKeys
reportsToJson(Collection<CheckReport>) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ReportMapper
Transforms a collection of CheckReports to a JsonArray
reportsToJsonObject(Collection<CheckReport>) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ReportMapper
Transforms a collection of CheckReports to a JsonArray assigned to a key ReportMapper.JsonKeys.reports() in an outer object.
reportViolation(Violation) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.DefaultErrorListener
requireType() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.JcrPropertyConstraints.JsonKeys
resolveManifestResources(URL, List<String>) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.Util
resolveNodeTypeDefinitions(List<String>) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.SlingNodetypesScanner
resolveNodeTypeDefinitions(List<String>, ClassLoader) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.SlingNodetypesScanner
resolveNodeTypeDefinitions(List<String>, List<File>) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.SlingNodetypesScanner
resolveToJcrNs(NamespaceMapping) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.NamespaceMappingRequest
Resolve the retained prefixes and URIs from the provided NamespaceMapping object to produce a list of JcrNs objects (wrapped in Result types) suitable for serialization to Json.
rootPaths() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.SlingJcrInstaller.JsonKeys
rules() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.Paths.JsonKeys
rules() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.Subpackages.JsonKeys
runModes() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakpalPlan.JsonKeys


scanPackage(File...) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakMachine
Perform a scan of the provided package file or files.
scanPackages(List<File>) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakMachine
Execute a scan by installing each of the provided package files in sequence.
scopeNodeTypes() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.JcrProperties.JsonKeys
scopePackageIds() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.CompositeStoreAlignment.JsonKeys
scopePaths() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.JcrProperties.JsonKeys
ScriptHelper() - Constructor for class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ScriptProgressCheck.ScriptHelper
ScriptProgressCheck - Class in net.adamcin.oakpal.core
The ScriptProgressCheck uses the Invocable interface from JSR223 to listen for scan events and optionally report check violations.
ScriptProgressCheck.ScriptHelper - Class in net.adamcin.oakpal.core
ScriptHelper helps scripts to report violations by eliminating the need to import the severity enumerator type.
ScriptProgressCheck.UnregisteredScriptEngineNameException - Exception in net.adamcin.oakpal.core
ScriptRepositoryException - Exception in net.adamcin.oakpal.core
Adapter for ScriptException to satisfy listener contracts which throw RepositoryException within an Invocable.
ScriptRepositoryException(ScriptException) - Constructor for exception net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ScriptRepositoryException
Adapt a script exception.
setConfig(JsonObject) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.CheckSpec.ImmutableSpec
setConfig(JsonObject) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.CheckSpec
Set a new config object value.
setErrorListener(ErrorListener) - Method in class
setErrorListener(ErrorListener) - Method in class
setErrorListener(ErrorListener) - Method in interface
Provide an ErrorListener.
setImpl(String) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.CheckSpec.ImmutableSpec
setImpl(String) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.CheckSpec
Set a new impl value.
setInlineEngine(String) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.CheckSpec.ImmutableSpec
setInlineEngine(String) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.CheckSpec
Set a new ScriptEngineFactory name, or null for the default.
setInlineScript(String) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.CheckSpec.ImmutableSpec
setInlineScript(String) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.CheckSpec
Set a new invokable script check source value.
setMixinTypes(List<String>) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ForcedRoot
setName(String) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.CheckSpec.ImmutableSpec
setName(String) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.CheckSpec
Set a new display name for the check.
setPackageManager(JcrPackageManager) - Method in class
setPackageManager(JcrPackageManager) - Method in class
setPackageManager(JcrPackageManager) - Method in interface
Provide a JCR package manager.
setPath(String) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ForcedRoot
setPrefix(String) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.JcrNs
setPrimaryType(String) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ForcedRoot
setResourceBundle(ResourceBundle) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.DefaultErrorListener
setResourceBundle(ResourceBundle) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ScriptProgressCheck
setSession(Session) - Method in class
setSession(Session) - Method in class
setSession(Session) - Method in interface
Provide a JCR session.
setSkip(boolean) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.CheckSpec.ImmutableSpec
setSkip(boolean) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.CheckSpec
Set to true to skip the check.
setTemplate(String) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.CheckSpec.ImmutableSpec
setTemplate(String) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.CheckSpec
Set a new template value.
setUri(String) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.JcrNs
severeViolation(String, PackageId...) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ScriptProgressCheck.ScriptHelper
severity() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.CompositeStoreAlignment.JsonKeys
severity() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.ExpectAces.JsonKeys
severity() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.ExpectPaths.JsonKeys
severity() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.JcrPropertyConstraints.JsonKeys
severity() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.Paths.JsonKeys
SIMPLE_DIR_PLAN - Static variable in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.opear.Opear
SimpleReport - Class in net.adamcin.oakpal.core
Simple POJO implementing a CheckReport, used for deserialization.
SimpleReport(String, Collection<Violation>) - Constructor for class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.SimpleReport
simulateSling(SlingSimulator, Set<String>) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.Echo
simulateSling(SlingSimulator, Set<String>) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ScriptProgressCheck
skip() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.CheckSpec.JsonKeys
SLING_NODETYPES - Static variable in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.SlingNodetypesScanner
SlingInstallableParams<T extends net.adamcin.oakpal.api.SlingInstallable> - Interface in
Encapsulation of parameters that
SlingJcrInstaller - Class in net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks
The SlingJcrInstaller is a check implementation that watches for Sling installable nodes and registers them with the SlingSimulator when sling simulation is active.
SlingJcrInstaller() - Constructor for class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.SlingJcrInstaller
SlingJcrInstaller.JsonKeys - Interface in net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks
SlingNodetypesScanner - Class in net.adamcin.oakpal.core
Singleton class that fetches all node type definitions from OSGi bundle MANIFEST.MF files with "Sling-Nodetypes" definitions in the classpath.
SlingRepoInitScripts - Class in
Locates a jcr path that should be treated as an installable provider of repoinit scripts.
SlingSimulatorBackend - Interface in
Interface defining internal-facing behavior for the SlingSimulator, primarily regarding the retrieval and processing of Sling JCR installable resources submitted by ProgressChecks.
startedScan() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.Echo
startedScan() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ScriptProgressCheck
startedScan() - Method in class
startingWithPlan(OakpalPlan) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakpalPlan.Builder
streamNsPrefix(String) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.JsonCnd
Utility method to return a namespace prefix if a colon is present.
Subpackages - Class in net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks
Check for subpackage inclusion.
Subpackages() - Constructor for class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.Subpackages
Subpackages.JsonKeys - Interface in net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks


template() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.CheckSpec.JsonKeys
test(PackageId, PackageId) - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakMachine.SubpackageSilencer
toJcrNsList(NamespaceMapping, NamespaceMappingRequest) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.JsonCnd
Return a list of JCR namespace pairs exported from the provided mapping.
toJson() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.Checklist
Serialize the Checklist to a JsonObject for writing.
toJson() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.CheckReport
Serializes the report to a JsonObject.
toJson() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.CheckSpec
toJson() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ForcedRoot
toJson() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.JcrNs
toJson(List<QNodeTypeDefinition>, NamespaceMapping) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.JsonCnd
Write a list of qualified node types to a JSON CND object.
toJson() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakpalPlan
toNamespaceMapping(List<JcrNs>) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.JsonCnd
Aggregate a list of Oakpal JcrNs prefix to uri mappings into a JCR NamespaceMapping object.
toOakMachineBuilder(ErrorListener, ClassLoader) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakpalPlan
toString() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.Checklist
toString() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.CheckSpec
toString() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ForcedRoot
toString() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.JcrNs
toString() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakpalPlan
toString() - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.SimpleReport
traceFilter(Logger, String) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.Util
Logger function to inject into a stream by way of filter() method.
tryAccept(Session) - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakMachine.InspectBody
type() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.ExpectAces.JsonKeys


uri() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.JcrNs.JsonKeys
Util - Class in net.adamcin.oakpal.core
Util.TryFunction<T,R> - Interface in net.adamcin.oakpal.core
1.3.0 use Fun.ThrowingFunction


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.AcHandling.ACHandlingLevelSet
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.adamcin.oakpal.core.InstallHookPolicy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueRules() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.JcrPropertyConstraints.JsonKeys
values() - Static method in enum net.adamcin.oakpal.core.checks.AcHandling.ACHandlingLevelSet
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum net.adamcin.oakpal.core.InstallHookPolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
violations() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.CoreConstants.CheckReportKeys
violations() - Method in interface net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ReportMapper.JsonKeys


withChecklists(List<String>) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakpalPlan.Builder
withChecks(List<CheckSpec>) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakpalPlan.Builder
withEnablePreInstallHooks(boolean) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakMachine.Builder
Set to true to enable pre-install package install hooks for the scan.
withEnablePreInstallHooks(boolean) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakpalPlan.Builder
withErrorListener(ErrorListener) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakMachine.Builder
Set the single ErrorListener for the scan.
withForcedRoot(String, String...) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.InitStage.Builder
Force the creation of the described root path prior to the scan.
withForcedRoot(ForcedRoot) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.InitStage.Builder
Force the creation of the described root path prior to the scan.
withForcedRoots(List<ForcedRoot>) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.InitStage.Builder
Force the creation of the described root path prior to the scan.
withForcedRoots(List<ForcedRoot>) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakpalPlan.Builder
withInitStage(InitStage...) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakMachine.Builder
Add a single instance of InitStage (or more) to the scan.
withInitStages(List<InitStage>) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakMachine.Builder
Add a list of InitStages to the scan.
withInstallHookClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakMachine.Builder
Provide a classloader to ImportOptions.setHookClassLoader(ClassLoader).
withInstallHookPolicy(InstallHookPolicy) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakMachine.Builder
Specify an InstallHookPolicy for the scan.
withInstallHookPolicy(InstallHookPolicy) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakpalPlan.Builder
withInstallHookProcessorFactory(InstallHookProcessorFactory) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakMachine.Builder
Provide an InstallHookProcessorFactory.
withJcrCustomizer(OakMachine.JcrCustomizer) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakMachine.Builder
Provide a function to customize the Jcr builder prior to the scan.
withJCRName(String) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.NamespaceMappingRequest.Builder
Retain the namespace prefix or uri associated with the provided JCR name.
withJcrNamespaces(List<JcrNs>) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakpalPlan.Builder
withJcrNodetypes(List<QNodeTypeDefinition>) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakpalPlan.Builder
withJcrPrivileges(List<PrivilegeDefinition>) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakpalPlan.Builder
withMixinTypes(String...) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ForcedRoot
withNodeStoreSupplier(Supplier<NodeStore>) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakMachine.Builder
Specify a supplier that will produce a NodeStore for the scan.
withNs(String, String) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.InitStage.Builder
Register an additional JCR namespace prior to the scan.
withNs(List<JcrNs>) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.InitStage.Builder
Register additional JCR namespaces prior to the scan.
withOrderedCndUrl(URL...) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.InitStage.Builder
Provide a list of cnd resources to install, in order.
withOrderedCndUrls(List<URL>) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.InitStage.Builder
Provide a list of cnd resource URLs to install, in order.
withPackagingService(Packaging) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakMachine.Builder
Provide a Packaging service for use in retrieving a JcrPackageManager for an admin session.
withPath(String) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ForcedRoot
withPreInstallPackage(File...) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakMachine.Builder
1.3.1 pre-install packages are now handled as URIs
withPreInstallPackages(List<File>) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakMachine.Builder
1.3.1 pre-install packages are now handled as URIs
withPreInstallUrl(URL...) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakMachine.Builder
Provide a list of package files to install before each scan.
withPreInstallUrls(List<URL>) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakMachine.Builder
Provide a list of package files to install before each scan.
withPreInstallUrls(List<URL>) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakpalPlan.Builder
withPrimaryType(String) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ForcedRoot
withPrivilege(String...) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.InitStage.Builder
Register an additional JCR privilege prior to the scan.
withPrivilegeDefinition(PrivilegeDefinition...) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.InitStage.Builder
Register an additional JCR privilege prior to the scan.
withPrivilegeDefinitions(Collection<PrivilegeDefinition>) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.InitStage.Builder
Register an additional JCR privilege prior to the scan.
withPrivileges(Collection<String>) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.InitStage.Builder
Register an additional JCR privilege prior to the scan.
withProgressCheck(ProgressCheck...) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakMachine.Builder
Set a single instance of ProgressCheck for the scan.
withProgressChecks(ProgressCheck...) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakMachine.Builder
withProgressChecks(List<? extends ProgressCheck>) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakMachine.Builder
Set the list of ProgressChecks for the scan.
withQName(Name) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.NamespaceMappingRequest.Builder
Retain the namespace uri associated with the provided qualified name.
withQNodeTypes(List<QNodeTypeDefinition>) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.InitStage.Builder
Provide a list of QNodeTypeDefinitions to register.
withRepoInitProcesser(OakMachine.RepoInitProcessor) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakMachine.Builder
Provide a RepoInitProcessor.
withRepoInits(List<String>) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.InitStage.Builder
Provide a list of inline repoinit scripts, replacing any that have already been added.
withRepoInits(List<String>) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakpalPlan.Builder
withRepoInitUrls(List<URL>) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.InitStage.Builder
Provide a list of repoinit URLs to apply, in order.
withRepoInitUrls(List<URL>) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakpalPlan.Builder
withRetainBuiltins(boolean) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.NamespaceMappingRequest.Builder
Specify whether Oak-builtin namespace mappings (i.e.
withRetainPrefix(String) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.NamespaceMappingRequest.Builder
Specify a namespace prefix that should be retained by the request.
withRetainUri(String) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.NamespaceMappingRequest.Builder
Specify a namespace uri that should be retained by the request.
withRunModes(Set<String>) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakMachine.Builder
Provide a set of simulated sling run modes.
withRunModes(List<String>) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakpalPlan.Builder
withSlingSimulator(SlingSimulatorBackend) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakMachine.Builder
Provide a sling simulator
withSubpackageSilencer(OakMachine.SubpackageSilencer) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.OakMachine.Builder
Provide a predicate taking the subpackage PackageId as the first argument and the parent PackageId as the second argument, returning true if events for the subpackage and any of ITS subpackages should be silenced during the scan.
withUnorderedCndUrl(URL...) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.InitStage.Builder
Provide a list of cnd resources to install.
withUnorderedCndUrls(List<URL>) - Method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.InitStage.Builder
Provide a list of cnd resource names to install.
wrapSessionReadOnly(Session) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.Util
Public utility method to wrap an existing session with a facade that blocks writes.
wrapWithAlias(ProgressCheck, String) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.Locator
Rename the provided package check with the provided alias.
writeReports(Collection<CheckReport>, ReportMapper.WriterSupplier) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ReportMapper
writeReportsToFile(Collection<CheckReport>, File) - Static method in class net.adamcin.oakpal.core.ReportMapper
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