Webster: Generating Checklist Initial State

Sometimes, an OakPAL Checklist may need to provide a significant amount of initial JCR state to support progress check functionality. This initial state is defined by the following keys:

  • jcrNamespaces: An array of objects that map a namespace prefix to a namespace uri, as in:
  • jcrNodetypes: A map of JsonCnd-formatted node type definitions, for example:
  • forcedRoots: An array of root paths to create with optional primaryType and mixinTypes declared, such as:

Webster can be used to manage this state by selecting forcedRoots by JCR path, by node type, or by query. The namespaces and node types required by these forcedRoots are automatically included, as well as any transitive dependencies declared by the selected node type definitions.

To enable this functionality, you must first add a oakpal-maven-plugin configuration to your jar module that hosts your oakpal checklist:


Within the config element, you will want to specify at least one of these selectors:

  • selectPaths: Webster will attempt to get a node for each specified path element, and if it exists, it will add that node to the checklist as a forcedRoot.

  • selectNodeTypes: Webster will run a query for all nodes that match the list of nodeType elements. By default, the query will match each node type exactly, unless you prefix that node type name with a + indicating a covariant, or subtype, match is desired. Practically speaking, an explicitly selected type translates to a JCR query of the form, FROM [nt:base] WHERE [jcr:primaryType] = <type> OR [jcr:mixinTypes] = <type>, while a covariant (+) type translates to a query in the form of, FROM [<type>]. Any node types listed in the selectNodeTypes element will be exported in the jcrNodetypes object by default.

  • selectQuery: Webster will execute any arbitrary JCR query that you specify as the value for the selectQuery element, and add any returned nodes to the checklist as forcedRoot objects.

So, for example, to export every node with a mix:title type or subtype, you could use the following config:


Some additional config properties are supported:

  • scopePaths: (List<Rule>) Limit the scope of forcedRoot paths affected by the webster execution. You can export different subsets of forcedRoot elements in the same checklist by subdividing the scope for each execution and specifying an updatePolicy of merge or replace.

  • updatePolicy: ForcedRoot update policy governs how repeated webster executions will affect previously exported forcedRoot paths. Can be

  • merge: only replace forced roots when an exported root has the same path as an existing root. Otherwise, don’t delete existing forcedRoot elements.

  • replace: delete all scopePaths-included forcedRoot elements before exporting new forcedRoot elements, which will also be filtered by scopePaths.

  • truncate: delete all existing forcedRoot elements, regardless of scopePaths, before exporting new forcedRoot elements, which will be filtered by scopePaths.

  • nodeTypeFilters: (List<Rule>) Limit the possible node types selected for export in jcrNodetypes and forcedRoots according to whether they are included by this list of filter rules. forcedRoot elements with an excluded primaryType or mixinTypes value will still be exported, but without the excluded type names in either of those properties.

  • exportNodeTypes: Ensure that this list of nodeType elements are also included in the exported jcrNodetypes object, even if no matching forcedRoots are exported. By default, each nodeType element will select a single node type exactly, unless you prefix that node type name with a + indicating a covariant, or subtype, match is desired. This has essentially the same effect as selectNodeTypes, except that it doesn’t affect the selection of nodes exported as forcedRoots.