First, be sure that your maven settings.xml is properly configured to authenticate with the target repository and that your local maven repository is as clean as you want the target repository to be. Then you can execute the plugin directly:
mvn net.adamcin:blunderbuss-maven-plugin:0.4.0:sync \ -DindexGroupId=com.myorg1.ado \ -DindexArtifactId=my-index \ -DaltDeploymentRepository=MyFeedInOrg1::
You can also configure the blunderbuss plugin in a module pom’s pluginManagement section, so that these details don’t need to be repeated as CLI arguments when you run the sync goal in the same module directory.
For example, after adding the following to your pom, it configures the plugin with the same details in the earlier CLI-only example:
<pluginManagement> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>net.adamcin</groupId> <artifactId>blunderbuss-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>0.4.0</version> <configuration> <indexGroupId>com.myorg1.ado</indexGroupId> <indexArtifactId>my-index</indexArtifactId> <altDeploymentRepository>MyFeedInOrg1::</altDeploymentRepository> </configuration> </plugin> </plugins> </pluginManagement>
This allows you to run a much simpler command:
mvn net.adamcin:blunderbuss-maven-plugin:sync